The association includes the associative members International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (IFMGA) and the scientific member SLF/WSL Swiss Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research.
The NATO Center of Excellence of Mountain Warfare is an institutional affiliate.
The project has been initiated by Manuel Genswein and has evolved together with the "Best Practice in Avalanche Rescue" pioneer workgroup.
The NATO Center of Excellence of Mountain Warfare is an institutional affiliate.
The project has been initiated by Manuel Genswein and has evolved together with the "Best Practice in Avalanche Rescue" pioneer workgroup.
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Instruktører/veiledere/lærere innen sikker ferdsel i fjellet og i snødekt terreng, tindevegledere, guider, ledere, skipatrulje, organisert redning, forsvaret, andre organisasjoner i fjellet.
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